Nom du club: None
Club Name: None

Club ID: n/a
This is your clubs unique ID. It is important and used to verify your clubs identity in some forms that you may need to fill out.

Description du club:
Club Description:
Category / Catégorie: None

Affiliation: n/a
Clubs that are associated with either a Recognized Student Government, The uOttawa Greek Council or Sport Services are "Associations". We check with the organization you are affiliated with every clubs review to keep track of the affiliation. Assocations have access to all the same resources as clubs.

Un grand club? / Large Club?: n/a
Large clubs are clubs with more than 25 active members. Large clubs are expected to host bilingual events and host fair elections for their executive transitions.

Signing Officer #1 Info:

Name: None
uOttawa Email: None
Phone Number: None
Student Number: None

Signing Officer #2 Info:

Name: None
uOttawa Email: None
Phone Number: None
Student Number: None

Facebook Page: None
Facebook Group: None
Instagram: None
Twitter: None
Website: None
TikTok: None

Discord: None
Pinterest: None
Slack: None
LinkedIn: None
Github: None
Twitch: None
Autre/Other: None

Banking Info

Payee Name: info not yet added
Transit Number: info not yet added
Instituition Number: info not yet added
Account Number: info not yet added