This page and form are dedicated to any complaints regarding official Clubs & Associations and/or issues that you want CVUO or UOSU to be aware of regarding Clubs/Associations in any form. This can include issues within your club or a club that you are aware of, anything violating section 3 of the Clubs Code or personal conflicts you’d like to disclose.

Note that your submission will be kept confidential and only be disclosed to the current CVUO President and VP External. No further disclosure will be made without your authorization.


If you need guidance and support regarding University of Ottawa regulations and practices or need more information regarding your human rights on campus contact the Student Right’s Centre

If you need virtual counselling, self-help resources or resources for student mentorship visit UOSU’s Mental Health Resources page

If you have concerns regarding the independence or inclusion of students with disabilities in the university community, the Centre for Students with Disabilities provides many useful resources

The Pride Centre strives to promote and represent a culture of affirmation through the celebration of individual diversity and choice in all areas of life. They offer programming, host events and offer plenty of useful resources for everyone.

The Womxn’s Resource Centre is an inclusive non-judgemental, pro-choice drop in space. They work on sexual health, ending gender based violence and their goal is to create an open environment where you can find helpful resources.

For information and helpful resources to help navigate this ongoing crisis please visit the UOSU’s Resources for/from the black community

If your complaint is a matter of urgency, please instead email